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Resilient Index Enhancement Models™

The Resilient Index Enhancement Models™ are built with your client investment experience in mind. The models are 100% rules-driven and utilize individual stocks paired with low-cost ETFs that represent the indexes they are pulled from to provide an enhanced portfolio exposure. Holdings are updated quarterly.

U.S. Dividend 100
Index Enhancement model

The U.S. Dividend 100 Index Enhancement Model is a rules-based portfolio designed to provide exposure to 25 stocks from the index screened to maximize income in addition to the ETF that tracks the index. The model is comprised of a 50% allocation to the ETF SCHD and 50% allocated to the 25 screened stocks. The holdings in this Index Enhancement Model are rebalanced quarterly.  

IEm Fact Sheet



ETF Fact Sheet

IEm Holdings

Russell 1000 Growth 
Index Enhancement Model

The Russell 1000 Growth Index Enhancement Model is a rules-based portfolio designed to provide exposure to 25 stocks from the index screened to maximize exposure in addition to the ETF that tracks the index. The model is comprised of a 50% allocation to the Vanguard ETF VONG and 50% allocated to the 25 screened stocks. The holdings in this Index Enhancement Portfolio are rebalanced quarterly.  

IEm Fact Sheet



ETF Fact Sheet

IEm Holdings

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