When Independence Does Not Make Sense For A Financial Advisor With Brett Danko
Brett Danko is an industry veteran who has seen it all. He comes on the podcast to discuss why a financial advisor should NOT go out on...
2018 M&A Trends Financial Advisors Need To Know With Phil Flakes
Phil Flakes is the CEO of Succession Link, a firm that specializes in peer to peer transactions for financial advisors, insurance practice a
What does Morgan Stanley's Protocol exit mean for your business? With Attorney Joel Beck.
Morgan Stanley is exiting the Recruiting Protocol. While the implications are not exactly clear at this time, Attorney Joel Beck discusses w
A Pragmatic Process For Advisors Considering A Transition With Linda Willis
Industry veteran Linda Willis joined me on the podcast to discuss some of the important issues financial advisors face when considering a...
What Is The Value Of Your Advisory Practice? An interview with Aaron Hasler.
Valuing your advisory business can be very difficult. There are an incredible number of variables that go into the valuation. Transition...